CLARA BOONE reaches 2nd Round in "The Stay Indie Project"

CLARA BOONE has advanced to the second round of the Lower East Side Film Festival, representing the top 10% of submitted projects! The project connects filmmakers with up to $400k in financing and production services.
From this amazing organization's website:
"LESFF x BFD Productions
As a part of the Stay Indie Project, BFD Productions, the production company behind The Lower East Side Film Festival, will provide development and production support to selected project participants. The Stay Indie Project has grown out of 13 years of partnership between The Lower East Side Film Festival and BFD Productions, combining LESFF’s commitment to support independent filmmakers, and BFD Production’s track record of producing high quality film and television content for major networks and streamers. "
"The Lower East Side Film Festival has launched a feature screenplay and pitch competition designed to support independent filmmakers to get their projects financed and produced. Open to both narrative and documentary filmmakers, the Stay Indie Project connects filmmakers with up to $400k in financing and production services.
Narrative Features
Round One:
Filmmakers will submit the following:
Short Synopsis
Estimated budget (a rough number will suffice - must be 400k or less)
Previous work samples
Creative team bios (filmmakers are welcome to submit in teams but not required)
Tell us why you really absolutely totally want to make this film
Tell us briefly how you envision making this film and describe any elements for production that you already have in place - i.e. do you have access to the perfect location? Or collaborators you are excited about? A specific stylistic approach?
Submissions will receive a score based on the following criteria:
Story concept
Feasibility to produce (can this film successfully be for 400k or less?)
The top 10% of scored submissions will advance to round two.
Round Two: Filmmakers will submit a completed script for their feature. Scripts will receive a score based on the strength of the narrative, characters, craft, and theme. The top scoring scripts will advance to receive support from the Development Lab."
